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Women's Business Council

Arzo Yusuf
Sexy Boss Babe, Entrepreneur/Speaker/Host
Arzo attended the University of Southern California to study Accounting. She's worked as an Operations Director for start ups to mid-size companies...
Mary Williams
Coldwell Banker Realty - Mary Williams, Realtor
Rachel Love
Co-Chair Tiffany & Co
Alison Kirsten
Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel, Director of Spa
Anne Kim
LA Socials
Claudia Salazar
Century City Medical Plaza, Chief Operating Officer
Leslie Mayer
Cushman & Wakefield, Executive Managing Director
Personal Bio
Lorraine Jackson
The Lorraine Jackson Foundation | Pearls of Hope , President & CEO
Personal Bio
Mary Kusnic
Victus Capital Wealth
Personal Bio
Monica Madan
Beverly Hills Orthodontics, Founder
Nancy Wood
Century City Chamber of Commerce, President & CEO
Renee Duryee
SMI Corporation, Director of Business Development
Sanyu Banks
Sanyu Banks - BMO Wealth Management
Shelley Wissot
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Office Administrator
Taunee English
Greater LA Realtors
Sea Zeda
Art Seen

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